To see Great Pivot Call to Action
(Power of 10, Teams of 10
 and Great Pivot Study Guide)

To see Great Pivot Infographic

Great Pivot Victory Agenda

Life or Death, Immediate Priority!

Negate Klaus Schwab’s Two Predictions:

“You will own nothing in 2030 and be happy.” 
“Everyone will be chipped by 2026.”

Toward Supporting the Derivatives Debt Recovery Act

   Ban digital currency. 

Toward Supporting the Enforcement of the Nuremberg Code

  • Investigate and audit the National Nanotechnology Initiative. 
  • Undertake a deep reform of the Initiative. 
  • Heavily regulate Artificial Intelligence.
  • Halt “mRNA vaccines” for use in humans, and non-human life, until adequate safeguards are in place.
  • Mothball 5G, until adequate safeguards are in place. 
  • End geoengineering, ie, “chem trails.” 
  • Establish and fund a National Detoxification Initiative, addressing and treating “COVID-19 vaccine” injuries. 

Very High Priority!

Mitigate or Prevent the Coming Great Depression
which, in turn, leads to the establishment of a Truly Free Market
and Massive Reduction in Taxes (half or more) without sacrificing Government Services.

To Initiate Mitigation of a Great Depression

  1. Debate the two principal alternatives to Fed (Federal Reserve System) Fiat Money, namely,
         (a) Commodity Money, especially the 
                Gold Standard
         (b) Sovereign Money, as manifest, off
                and on, in America from 1690 to 
  2. Audit the Fed.
  3. Based upon the audit, and upon the determination of the merits of Commodity Money and Sovereign Money, deeply reform the Fed, if not replace it altogether.

To Further Mitigation of a Great Depression

End Absurd Distractions or Events that Grow the Debt, especially …

  • WHO involvement in US medicine, eg lockdowns and Pandemic Treaty.
  • Climate-change legislation and executive orders, including Paris Climate Accord, Social Credit Scoring, Biden’s 30 by 30,  Maryland’s SB 532 and, in short, the anti-fossil-fuel agenda (including curtailing drilling for oil and gas).
  • Agenda 2030 Biodiversity Agenda.
  • Russo-Ukraine War.
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
  • Damage to US infrastructure. (Was, for instance, the Francis Scott Key Bridge’s collapse, an accident?)
  • Toward the end of protecting infrastructure, form leagues of constitutional state attorney generals and constitutional sheriffs.  

Questions? Call 302.300.9611

© Copyright, 2022, The Coalition for America’s Resurgence, Inc. All Rights Reseved.

CfAR Proposed Bill


Derivatives Debt
Recovery Act

A US House and US Senate Bill to rid the United States of speculative derivatives debt by several means.

Whereas the global derivatives debt approximates to ten times the size of the world GDP or approximately $1000 trillion.

Whereas nearly all of this derivatives debt is speculative and of US origin.

Whereas a variety of laws, including Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code, have been altered to the acute disadvantage of the vast majority of Americans who acquired items, including cars and homes, on credit, and who acquired stocks or bonds or both, and who deposited funds in banks.

Whereas the aforementioned, vast majority were, without their knowledge, given “security entitlement” in place of ownership of collateral or stock or bonds or deposits or some combination thereof.

Whereas “security entitlement” ensures ownership of said collateral or stocks or bonds or deposits only after the “protected class” have first access to said collateral or stocks or bonds or deposits.

Whereas the vast majority of Americans are not in the “protected class.”

Whereas said collateral, stocks, bonds and deposits have been transferred to a global “pool” from which the “protected class” have first access. 

Be it enacted that Congress authorize (and the President sign into law) the following measures. The Secretary of the Treasury is to negotiate a fair resolution of the global derivatives debt with all foreign parties that are affected by the debt, such that the following seven conditions are met. (1) A global derivatives-trade transaction tax (a very small percentage of the value of the trade) is to be exacted. (2) Any and all banks that may declare bankruptcy are to be nationalized, the respective taxpayers are to take control of the banks, the banks are henceforth forbidden to trade in speculative derivatives and the global derivatives-trade transaction fee is to defer some or all of the cost of nationalizing the bank in question. (3) There shall be a moratorium on taking out new speculative derivatives. (The consolidation of preexisting derivatives is not considered a breach of this moratorium.) (4) A debt jubilee is to be carefully implemented. (5) The debt jubilee is to be implemented over 20 years, and is to reverse the standing between the “protected class” and those at the very bottom of the “security entitlement” totem pole. Hence, the vast majority of Americans, among others, are to have their respective property rights restored in full. (6) It is understood that most of those above the lowest level of the present “security entitlement” totem pole are at risk of owning no collateral. (7) To buffer the loss that will be suffered by most of those above the lowest level of the “security entitlement” totem pole, the Secretary of the Treasury is to negotiate a carefully calibrated, gradual emission of debt-free money by the Treasury Department and its counterpart in foreign countries. These emissions are to amount to a fraction of $900 trillion and to be given to those above the lowest level of the “security entitlement” totem pole. Furthermore, these emissions are not to exceed levels that provoke anything greater than mild inflation (3%). 

The Secretary of the Treasury has no more than 6 months to negotiate a global derivatives debt resolution with his counterparts abroad. In the meantime, he or she is to implement at once, vis-à-vis US citizens, actions 1, 2 and 3 of the aforementioned 7 actions. A scaled down debt jubilee (actions 4, 5, 6 and 7) is to go into effect, vis-a-vis US citizens, as well. 

If the Secretary of the Treasury has failed to negotiate a resolution along the lines of actions 1 to 7, above, with his or her counterparts aboard, after 6 months, then the United States will go it alone, implementing actions 1 to 7, above. 

To better understand the origin of this proposed Bill, see the following sources. “The Great Taking.” CLICK HERE. The 62-page CfAR Report, Primed For Resurgence: The Rediscovery of Early America’s Anti-Globalism. And IfAR’s A Plan For America’s Resurgence, especially Part Two, “Specific Steps to Accelerate Economic Growth as Never Before.”

CfAR Proposed Bill

Uniform Commercial Code Reform

A Bill to enhance ownership of collateral and of stocks, bonds and bank deposits. 

The following Bill was introduced in South Dakota. Maryland and Delaware should pass a version of it. Other states should examine South Dakota’s Bill, although CfAR is neither endorsing it nor opposing it for states other than Maryland and Delaware.

Including all other clauses of South Dakota HB 1199.

See the Fox News story about South Dakota HB 1199.

CfAR Proposed Bill

Health Bill

A Bill calling upon State X to Enforce the Nuremberg Code of 1947 by every means possible.

A Bill Whereby Maryland Enforces the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

Whereas Nazi Germany conducted all manner of obscene medical experiments on countless people.

Whereas the United States and its allies won the Second World War and overthrew the diabolical Nazis.

Whereas the United States and its allies resolved never to allow a repetition of atrocities of the type inflicted by Hitler and the SS, including the conduct of medical experiments on people without their consent or knowledge or both.

Whereas the United States and its allies codified their determination to protect peoples for all time, and everywhere, in every country, from involuntary medical experiments.

Whereas the United States and its allies chose Nuremberg, the scene of the infamous Nazi rallies and the very place where Hitler and his party henchmen boasted of their power before all the world, to be the place to determine and declare a well-reasoned code of medical ethics, meant to distinquish responsible and irresponsible medical experiments, for time immemorial.

Whereas the aforementioned code of ethics was crafted in 1947, termed the Nurember Code of 1947 and informed the Allied Military Tribunal that tried Nazi doctors. 

Whereas the Nuremberg Code of 1947 has been reinforced by (a) the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, in 1964, (b) an act of Congress—the National Research Act of 1974, (c) Institutional Review Boards set up in US academia and hospitals, as a consequence of the National Research Act and (d) the World Health Organization’s Institutional Ethical Standards for Biomedical Research involving Human Subjects, as of 1993. 

Whereas the Tuskegee experiments, conducted on Black Males, from 1934 to 1972, appear to have been a clear breach of the principles, as set down in the Nuremberg Code of 1947; moreover, these experiments prompted the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to file a lawsuit on behalf of the subjects of the experiment, which the NAACP won. 

Whereas the roll out of the covid-19, experimental gene therapy—the covid “vaccines”–may have been conducted in many places in a manner that breached the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

Whereas climate geoengineering, including chem trails and 5G, may have been conducted and may now be conducted in contravention of the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

Be it enacted that Maryland petition the Federal Government to investigate any possible breach of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, to make the findings of this investigation public and to reaffirm to all the world that it will honor, uphold and enforce the Nuremberg Code of 1947; and that Maryland will investigate any possible breach of the Nuremberg Code of 1947 on its soil, below its soil and in the air above it, will make the findings of its investigation public, will reaffirm that it will honor, uphold and enforce the Nuremberg Code of 1947 on its soil, below its soil and in the air above it, and, finally, will cause the public schools of Maryland, for grades 8 through 12, to assign readings addressing the immense significance of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, including its origin, language, enforcement, breaching and (hopefully) reaffirmation, and to set aside two hours of discussion about the Code, for grades 8 through 12, every year.

Copyright © 2023, The Coalition for America’s Resurgence, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (CfAR would gladly wave its rights, were this language adopted. And, we would gratefully entertain a modified bill.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

CfAR Proposed Bill

National Infrastructure Bank

CfAR is NOT endorsing US House HB 4052, found below. However, HB 4052 is worth investigating insofar as the funding concept of the proposed National Infrastructure Bank is sound. But how will the money be spent? Those who presently support HB 4052 might favor using such a Bank to underwrite the UN IPCC’s fraudulent climate-change agenda or some version of that agenda. 

Congress should pass a variation on HB 4052. This variation would set up a National Infrastructure Bank and would earmark the money for legitimate (pro-fossil-fuel) infrastructure. 

CfAR Proposed Bill


A Bill to establish a facsimile of the North Dakota Banking system in State x

Whereas the North Dakota Banking System has been a stunning success, ever since its establishment in 1919.

Whereas North Dakota has been among the most conservative states in the country for decades and mostly all its residents have approved of the state’s banking system, since 1919.

Whereas the North Dakota Banking System (NDBS) consists of the state-owned Bank of North Dakota (BND) and about 40 private community banks.

Whereas the BND backstops, with loans, North Dakota’s community banks, with great effect.

Whereas there are many examples of the superiority of the NDBS, compared to other banking systems, including many nationwide or regional crises wherein North Dakotans weathered the economic-financial storms far better than other states.

Whereas the most famous example of the superiority of the NDBS came during the Great Depression, wherein North Dakotans kept their farms and businesses, while great numbers had to flee Oklahoma.

Whereas Main Street in North Dakota is far better served than Main Street in any other state.

Whereas North Dakota keeps far more of its money within its own state and yields far less of its money to Wall Street, than any other state.

Whereas North Dakotans are accustomed to paying far less on interest for loans than neighboring states.

Whereas North Dakotans have a far easier time of securing capital than those in other states.

Whereas a banking system of the NDBS-type, because it is less dependent on Wall Street and global banks, is far better positioned to resist the dictates of social credit scoring, than any other state.

Be is so enacted that State X should establish a facsimile of the NDBS as soon as practicable.

Inspiration and History

SDI is inspired and informed by the then US Senator John Quincy Adams, who, in the early 1800s, also chaired the very first Department of Classical Rhetoric, at the college level. Adams wanted to train American youth for greatness the way the Roman-republic elite trained their youth for greatness. He would even go one better, enhancing such training by faith in The Living God. Hence, the rigorous pursuit of Truth.

Tragically, American education in general and even the thriving student forensics circuit falls short of what it could be, in no small part because the globalists hamper critical thinking in our schools. Notice the heavy emphasis in our schools on secondary sources, which, perforce, the globalists can manipulate and limit, through perverse funding.

From 2015 through 2020, SDI was in operation. We coached grades 6-12 and college. The emphasis was upon formal debate (Public Forum and Policy Debate) and upon Model Congress and Model UN. 

Once again, SDI would revive the dream of John Quincy Adams. Moreover, we would elevate our youth’s knowledge of history, economics, politics and government.

Ultimately, SDI’s programs revive the ancient paideia, wherein parent and child speak of the common good morning, noon and night. This is especially the case for homeschooling. Our government simulations are cross-generational. They involve youth and faculty, in other words, youth and parents-teachers.

let’s work together

complete Step 2

Please open a line of communication with CfAR HQ. We will send occasional updates. We will
circulate petitions that are ultimately intended
for elected officials. What are you yourself encountering and achieving, as you complete step 2? Let us know, using the Message Box, below.

Advance Teams go the extra distance to protect the republic and defeat The Great Reset. Moreover, there is an indispensible synergy between these teams and CfAR top leadership. We support them and they support us.

Join An Advance Team

What Mutual Support Entails

Choose One of Two Ways to Participate in an Advance Team:

(1) Join a Team of 10.
Purchase a copy of the Great Pivot Study Guide, for $69.50, which includes all fees—handling, shipping, online course platform and taxes. You will receive the Study Guide’s Prison Report and Climate Report, via USPS Ground Advantage. Online access to Leadership Training Module 1 is via link to We will offer you a choice of Teams of 10, whether local or online. Teams of 10 and 1 instructor meet three or more times. The Study Guide is a point of departure for our meetings. Often additional information is made available. Teams of 10 work in tandem with Networkers, too. All sales are final. On occasion, two or more Teams of 10 convene together.

(2) Become a Networker, which, in turn, will connect you to a Team of 10.
Invest $12.99. You will receive intelligence briefs, talking points and ice breakers, via email. You are able to advance the Great Pivot, backstopped by the expertise of the assigned Team of 10, and CfAR HQ. All sales are final.

The main point of the Hubs, including Teams of 10 and Networkers, is to advance the Power of Ten, as discussed in the Great Pivot Call to Action.

(3) Additional memberships, including additional leadership training, will be made available. (See, for instance, Leadership Training Modules Two and Three.) We have a rumble channel care of Dr Arminio’s “America Resurgent with Dr Joe Arminio.” Videos for our Locals channel are ready but not yet posted.

Questions: Please call the CfAR HQ, at 302.300.9611.

Donate to The Great Pivot, as well!