Great Pivot

Call To Action

This page includes the Great Pivot Study Guide.
See below.

Orientation ..

  • The Great Pivot Defined
  • Patton’s Exploits Are Relevant Today
  • The Great Pivot and the Power of Ten
  • Great Pivot Tabloid: American Pivot
  • The Great Pivot and Teams of Ten
  • Great Pivot Study Guide
  • The Great  Pivot Summarized: 
    Networking Among Individuals and Organizations

The origin and premise of the
Climate-Change Alarm  
The Great Reset’s
Achilles Heel

Klaus Schwab

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s)
Klaus Schwab is the chief spokesman
of The Great Reset.

Here are some of the things that he has glibbly predicted:

“You will own nothing, and be happy, by 2030.”

“Everyone will have a chip implanted in them, by 2026.”

The Great Pivot Defined

We call this campaign The Great Pivot because we are urging the volunteer or grassroots activists not only to tackle the low-information and easy-to-understand issues, such as the fate of the unborn and gun ownership, but also to tackle the complex Great Reset. Just as General Patton pivoted in late December 1944 (maintaining his original 55-mile front facing Berlin and rapidly wheeling part of his 3rd Army northward to cripple the Nazi offensive then underway in the Ardennes), the public needs to pivot! Our high-level leaders have let us down regarding complex issues, especially the Great Reset. We must reinforce or pressure our high-level leaders or we ourselves will be outflanked and perish. 

The globalists want the grassroots to keep doing what they are doing. They want us to focus exclusively upon low-information issues, eg, pro-life, 2A, election integrity and Critical Race Theory. While we focus upon the usual issues, the globalists compromise high-level US leaders, who, in turn, open us up to imminent destruction! 

The Great Pivot is about both strengthening the grassroots, eg, pro-traditional-family groups, and a widening of their focus. Ultimately, it is about having important elements of the grassroots march to the sound of the loudest guns.

The Great Reset is about the nefarious manipulation of seven complex issues:–
The supreme issue–Currency and Banking. (Why supreme? Because  
    currency and banking is the ultimate source of the globalists’ power. 
    Because it is our Achilles’ heel. This issue includes and goes far beyond 
    the threat of a digital currency. The time to save ourselves is short!)
The number-two-issue–Pandemics and Pandemic Response, including
    “mRNA vaccines.” Nanotechnology and 5G, which is at the heart of this
    issue, can be a force for good but in the wrong hands it can bring on a 
    pandemic and can compound the carnage (care of evil “vaccines” and 
    other devices) like an enormous yet invisible, invading army.
*  Climate (There is no catastrophic climate change. Even so, this 
    cooked up threat is being used to apply ever increasing pressure on the
    the US, moreover, the world.)
*  Wars
*  Immigration
*  International Trade
*  Destruction of Infrastructure

Yes; it takes work to comprehend the Great Reset and how to stop it. No matter, our very lives are at stake! To facilitate the task at hand, IfAR and CfAR Inc have researched vast amounts of information and condensed it and made it manageable. Always, IfAR and CfAR Inc present you with relevant primary sources. Here is relevant raw data, not interpreted. You yourself can see the situation as it really is.  

Can we stop the Great Reset in time? Yes! We are made in the image of God. A team of people of God cannot be beaten! Let’s work as a team. Join us! 


Patton's Exploits Are Relevant Today




To learn why General Patton’s exploits
are relevant today, and why they
should inform the grand strategy
to stop the Great Reset,

The Great Pivot and the Power of Ten

Thanks to the “Power of Ten” you yourself can make a huge difference for the republic and freedom! 

The idea is to make your voice heard with ten of your friends in a short period of time. And ask that each of them do the same, with ten people that they know.

Read the 2-page Tabloid, American Pivot. Share 2 copies with 2 different friends, every week, for 5 weeks. (Share 10 copies with 10 friends in 5 weeks or less.)

The image on the right shows what happens when 1 citizen energizes 10, each of whom, in turn, energizes 10. 

It takes a mere 6 iterations for 1 citizen to beget an army of 1 million! 

Now, think across space. 

10 energized citizens, living in 10 different states, can beget 10 million energized citizens in 6 iterations.

Let each iteration take 5 weeks. Energize 2 people you know in a week. In one locale alone, 1 begets 1 million, in 30 weeks. 

We have it in our power to wake up our country in about six months!!! 

Great Pivot Tabloid: American Pivot

Print and online versions of the 1st Edition of American Pivot are available. Suggested price per hard copy is $1, and per online copy is $1.33 (includes Stripe processing fee, shipping cost varies).  Ideally, citizens will purchase 10 (or more copies) and distribute them to friends, colleagues and neighbors.



The Great Pivot and Teams of Ten

God forsaw it, as recorded in Hosea 4:6 — “My people perish for lack of knowledge!” It’s time to heed His call to learn! Through the Great Pivot’s Team of 10, non-political class, busy citizens (and even students who are past grade 9) ascend to the mountaintop of relevant knowledge, where the survival of America is concerned. Together, we see far afield and deep into the secrets of science and statecraft. We learn much. We learn what our national leaders know or ought to know. 

Armed with those fundamental skills that built the West and early America, and dividing our labors so as to make the undertaking doable, 10 citizens, with no particular foreknowledge necessary, and 1 “top gun” instructor, adept in research and rhetoric and master of the ins and outs of the Great Reset, work as a team. 

The core of IfAR’s findings–3 reports, Primed for Resurgence, the Prison Report and Climate Report–see below–number about 310 pages. The truly crucial pages come to about 200 and 10 key subjects, however.  Another 50 pages or so from other sources round out core knowledge. The way ahead is clear. Each of “the 10” apply themselves to but 25 pages. On occasion, “the 10” come together for an hour or two; the instructor facilitates; in time, the 10 approach the understanding of the 1. And one day, some or all of the 10 may take their places as top guns, in turn, facilitating the progress of their own teams. 

There is this practical and exciting integration of knowledge, among the 10 and 1. Furthermore, the aforementioned 250 pages become points of departure, and instruments of further exploration, including keeping abreast of relevant local, national and international developments. 

Knowledge is power. The growth in knowledge begets the Power of 10, as discussed further below. 


The Great Pivot Study Guide includes 
Handouts for each Subject Area.
These handouts set down key points and 
relevant passages from several primary sources.

Great Pivot Study Guide

Informed by Classical Rhetoric–the art of persuasion which built Western civilization and launched our republic–Leadership Training Module 1 conveys vital, yet long-lost, fundamenetal critical-thinking techniques. The Marxists who have infested our schools have kept these techniques away from the public–until now! 

Learn more:– 

  • How to dissect any speech or written argument, even that found in a long book. 
  • How to go beyond a particular text and master any subject pertinent to public policy.
  • How to give an off-the-cuff or scripted elevator speech. 

In sum, learn skills that will help you comprehend the Great Reset and how to fight back and wake up others, while time remains.

This video instruction spans 2 hours and divides into 10 chapters.

This 194-page Report, including 22 pages of footnotes, breaks down the Great Reset, in all its lurid dimensions. This investigation goes back centuries, emphasizes the very recent past and foresees the near future.

Crucial in this investigation are relevant primary sources. You yourself can examine uninterpreted raw data and come to your own conclusions. 

Relevant passages in Scripture cast light on our predicament and show the way forward! 

This Prison Report goes hand in hand with the Climate Report.  

This 60-page report covers the history of the catastrophic-climate-change alarm, including its fraudulent origin and perpetuation. 

Also, the science of climate change is addressed, with the layman in mind.

Trace the idea for the Great Reset, back 50 years ago, and see how the globalists would reap the benefits of fossil-fuel for them-selves and deny it to everyone else. 

The Climate Report is relevant for every American, and a few pages cover the case of Maryland’s “pioneering,” wrong-headed climate policy. (IfAR’s Power of Ten and Teams of Ten exclude partisan  discussion of any specific legislation, including Maryland’s.)


If the Great Reset is the worst of our fears, then this 62-page report is most welcome relief. The arguably noblest of our forefathers (including Patrick Henry, the Lee brothers, Samuel Adams, Payne, Franklin and Jefferson and the Republican, Civil-War Congress), promoted the secret to true, lasting liberty. 

This report shares the good news of the aforementioned secret. Better yet, it traces the spreading awareness of this secret among Americans today. At the same time, it traces efforts by the globalists to contain, if not, erase the knowledge of this secret.  

The US Constitution makes several appearances in this report. But the Constitution is not the centerpiece of what is conveyed.

The Great Pivot Summarized: Networking Among Individuals and Organizations

Many Americans would spread the word and sound the alarm. Some would get to the bottom of things.

While Teams of Ten amass critical knowledge, networkers are brought together. These networkers are equipped with Tabloid Copies and Talking Points. (Some acquire and read Reports, as well.) They circulate in the community.

Presumably, a networker cannot always handle questions about the Great Reset that are put to him or her. But a nearby Team of Ten can handle those questions. 

The idea is to wake up people to the peril of the Reset, as fast as possible. The networkers’ word of mouth and the use of social media, have their roles to play. 

More networkers rally to the cause. More Teams of Ten emerge. 

The lobby arm of The Coalition for America’s Resurgence plays its role.

Other organizations join hands with CfAR. 


The Great Pivot is teamwork! 
Organizations and individuals come together.
CfAR contributes the work of its 
think tank and lobby arm.
It stands up and facilitates Hubs
in strategic areas. 
It works with other organizations

Questions? Call 302.300.9611

© Copyright, 2022, The Coalition for America’s Resurgence, Inc. All Rights Reseved.

This 7 Day Course reveals the political-economic BIG PICTURE

and practical steps you can take to safeguard your family and
the republic.

The Institute for America’s Resurgence is providing this 7 Day Course.

Dr Joseph Arminio, public-policy practitioner and commentator, author of 9 books, and holding the Doctorate in Political Science from MIT, authored the 7 Day Course.

SIGN UP for the FREE 7 Day Course today!

The Course will be available on or before 5 pm Thursday, October 24, 2024.

This course is worth the wait!!

Send me the 
FREE 7 Day Course.


Inspiration and History

SDI is inspired and informed by the then US Senator John Quincy Adams, who, in the early 1800s, also chaired the very first Department of Classical Rhetoric, at the college level. Adams wanted to train American youth for greatness the way the Roman-republic elite trained their youth for greatness. He would even go one better, enhancing such training by faith in The Living God. Hence, the rigorous pursuit of Truth.

Tragically, American education in general and even the thriving student forensics circuit falls short of what it could be, in no small part because the globalists hamper critical thinking in our schools. Notice the heavy emphasis in our schools on secondary sources, which, perforce, the globalists can manipulate and limit, through perverse funding.

From 2015 through 2020, SDI was in operation. We coached grades 6-12 and college. The emphasis was upon formal debate (Public Forum and Policy Debate) and upon Model Congress and Model UN. 

Once again, SDI would revive the dream of John Quincy Adams. Moreover, we would elevate our youth’s knowledge of history, economics, politics and government.

Ultimately, SDI’s programs revive the ancient paideia, wherein parent and child speak of the common good morning, noon and night. This is especially the case for homeschooling. Our government simulations are cross-generational. They involve youth and faculty, in other words, youth and parents-teachers.

let’s work together

complete Step 2

Please open a line of communication with CfAR HQ. We will send occasional updates. We will
circulate petitions that are ultimately intended
for elected officials. What are you yourself encountering and achieving, as you complete step 2? Let us know, using the Message Box, below.

Advance Teams go the extra distance to protect the republic and defeat The Great Reset. Moreover, there is an indispensible synergy between these teams and CfAR top leadership. We support them and they support us.

Join An Advance Team

What Mutual Support Entails

Choose One of Two Ways to Participate in an Advance Team:

(1) Join a Team of 10.
Purchase a copy of the Great Pivot Study Guide, for $69.50, which includes all fees—handling, shipping, online course platform and taxes. You will receive the Study Guide’s Prison Report and Climate Report, via USPS Ground Advantage. Online access to Leadership Training Module 1 is via link to We will offer you a choice of Teams of 10, whether local or online. Teams of 10 and 1 instructor meet three or more times. The Study Guide is a point of departure for our meetings. Often additional information is made available. Teams of 10 work in tandem with Networkers, too. All sales are final. On occasion, two or more Teams of 10 convene together.

(2) Become a Networker, which, in turn, will connect you to a Team of 10.
Invest $12.99. You will receive intelligence briefs, talking points and ice breakers, via email. You are able to advance the Great Pivot, backstopped by the expertise of the assigned Team of 10, and CfAR HQ. All sales are final.

The main point of the Hubs, including Teams of 10 and Networkers, is to advance the Power of Ten, as discussed in the Great Pivot Call to Action.

(3) Additional memberships, including additional leadership training, will be made available. (See, for instance, Leadership Training Modules Two and Three.) We have a rumble channel care of Dr Arminio’s “America Resurgent with Dr Joe Arminio.” Videos for our Locals channel are ready but not yet posted.

Questions: Please call the CfAR HQ, at 302.300.9611.

Donate to The Great Pivot, as well!