UN Ceremony: Secretary of State Kerry
signs Paris Climate Accord.

Kremlin Ceremony: Donetsk, Luhansk, Kerson and Zaporizhia join Russia.  

USS Gerald Ford (foreground).

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Whither America? Whither the UN? What leadership is better suited to tackle "soft" global matters, including climate, health and unrest? Dare America enter all the more deeply into a new order of regional blocs? What is the best way to keep the peace vis-a-vis China, Russia, Iran and North Korea?

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How The Conferences Work

Issues The Conferences Address

Certificate Of Achievement 
Those who complete one or several of the simulations, including participating at the Conference, receive a beautiful and valuable Certificate Of Achievement! Share this Certificate with college admissions or potential employers.

Compositions Of The Simulated Government(s)
The simulated government(s) consists of:–
*  High School Students (Junior Members), 10 per committee.
*  College Students (Senior Members), Committee Chairs
*  SDI Faculty, Other Faculty (Senior-most Members)

Everyone, including senior and senior-most members, have speaking and voting privileges. Everyone is free to take any position, although senior-most members tend to speak and act in ways meant to stir creativity.

Pre-Conference Briefings
Before the start of a conference, the registered college and high school participants receive highly realistic briefings. These briefings rely heavily upon primary sources. There is a briefing book of several pages, recorded lecture of upwards of 3 hours and live, pre-conference Question Period of 1 to 2 hours. Participants are briefed in a similar way that actual members of government are briefed–or ought to be briefed!

A student could rely on the pre-conference briefings alone, and contribute in the conference and enjoy the experienceIf a student undertakes some research on their own in advance of the conference, so much the better! (Furthermore, an individual committee or even the entire conference may go into recess and undertake research, from time to time.)

The conveying of information becomes more and more sophisticated and more and more interactive, as the experience unfolds.

How A Conference Functions In General Terms
The conference is like a study group that is moving toward an incredible finalé. There are debates. There is an attempt to move resolutions this way or that. Yet, the sum of all the interactions builds toward the solution of one or more major problems.

Participants spend most of their time in committee, in part in order to maximize each participants’ speaking time. Plenary sessions occur but are kept brief. There is opportunity to transfer from one committee to another. Caucuses convene from time to time. Suspense builds. The final resolution often takes everyone by surprise!

The conference takes place in three phases. The first phase divides among the pre-conference briefings and the pre-conference, assigned work that individual members of the government undertake. Example. Student X requests to be on a certain committee at the start of the conference. He or she, at their discretion, may undertake some fact-finding prior to the conference and may resolve to recommend a course of action to their assigned committee.

The second phase consists of the work of the committees. Opening speeches are made. Questions are posed. Caucusing may take place. Votes are taken on proposals at the committee level. Ultimately, the essence of each committee’s deliberations are shared with all the other committees.

In the third phase, new committees on organized. The central issue(s) of the conference is tackled.

Opening Speeches
Each participant is asked but not required to submit a speech of no more than 500 words in advance of the conference. This speech addresses the particular problem that was assigned in advance.

Opening speeches divide into two parts. The first part of such a speech presents a proposition about reality and is substantiated. The second part recommends and substantiates a course of action. Opening speeches are heard in committee; proposed actions are discussed and voted upon at the committee level.

A Curriculum Of One Simulation Or Two
Each simulation is designed to stand on its own. The combination of the two simulations provides a panoramic view of much of the major developments on the world stage. Initial assignments are on a first come, first serve basis. As the Conference progresses, positions and roles change, at the participants’ discretions.

Catastrophic Contagion 2025
he first conference tackles the ongoing issue of pandemics, in broad terms. It addresses the following questions: what truly caused the pandemic of 2020 to 2023? Did the COVID-19 vaccination program help alleviate the crisis, on balance, or not? What lessons emerge from this pandemic? Can we prevent pandemics, in future? What should we do, next time, if there is a next time? Moreover, should the US Senate approve the proposed Zero-Draft of the WHO? Or should it advise the President to proceed with the WHO, as is, or withdraw from the WHO? 

This Contagion conference features SDI’s new kind of Model Congress. You take on a current, important bill, HR 5379, which, for our purposes, we assume has re-emerged in the US Senate. Toward this end, you will be assigned an important aspect of HR 5379, prior to the conference. Initially, you and your colleagues will report your findings. Thereafter, everyone will tackle the WHO in general, and the Zero-Draft in Particular.

High Stakes Climate Policy
This first conference tackles climate change, in broad terms. It addresses the following questions: Is climate change driven more by nature or man? Is it the root cause of pandemics or not? Is it necessary to roll back, in massive fashion, the use of fossil-fuel energy? Is it necessary to alter the atmosphere, in order to cool the earth? Moreover, should the US Senate stand by the Paris Climate Accord or insist that the US withdraw from the Accord? 

This Climate-Change Conference begins as SDI’s “new kind of Model UN” and evolves into SDI’s “new kind of Model Congress.” In the first phase, you are assigned a country or UN committee or nongovernmental committee. You gather facts and see things from your assigned point of view and ultimately report to the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Later, you switch roles and take your place in the US Senate.

Arc of War
This conference grapples with the geopolitics of Eurasia. It attempts to expedite a responsible end to the Russo-Ukraine War. It tries to keep the peace in the Persian Gulf and to keep Saudia Arabia aligned with the West and not with Communist China. It comes to the defense of Taiwan. 

This second conference also begins as SDI’s “new kind of Model UN” and evolves into SDI’s “new kind of Model Congress.” Participants initially take various roles in the governments of the US, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and Communist China and in the hugely influential World Economic Forum. As such, they gather crucial intelligence. Thereafter, we convene the US Senate!is fi

© Copyright, 2023, The Society of Statesmen, Inc, sponsor of Statesman Debate Institute. All Rights Reserved.

Inspiration and History

SDI is inspired and informed by the then US Senator John Quincy Adams, who, in the early 1800s, also chaired the very first Department of Classical Rhetoric, at the college level. Adams wanted to train American youth for greatness the way the Roman-republic elite trained their youth for greatness. He would even go one better, enhancing such training by faith in The Living God. Hence, the rigorous pursuit of Truth.

Tragically, American education in general and even the thriving student forensics circuit falls short of what it could be, in no small part because the globalists hamper critical thinking in our schools. Notice the heavy emphasis in our schools on secondary sources, which, perforce, the globalists can manipulate and limit, through perverse funding.

From 2015 through 2020, SDI was in operation. We coached grades 6-12 and college. The emphasis was upon formal debate (Public Forum and Policy Debate) and upon Model Congress and Model UN. 

Once again, SDI would revive the dream of John Quincy Adams. Moreover, we would elevate our youth’s knowledge of history, economics, politics and government.

Ultimately, SDI’s programs revive the ancient paideia, wherein parent and child speak of the common good morning, noon and night. This is especially the case for homeschooling. Our government simulations are cross-generational. They involve youth and faculty, in other words, youth and parents-teachers.

let’s work together

complete Step 2

Please open a line of communication with CfAR HQ. We will send occasional updates. We will
circulate petitions that are ultimately intended
for elected officials. What are you yourself encountering and achieving, as you complete step 2? Let us know, using the Message Box, below.

Advance Teams go the extra distance to protect the republic and defeat The Great Reset. Moreover, there is an indispensible synergy between these teams and CfAR top leadership. We support them and they support us.

Join An Advance Team

What Mutual Support Entails

Choose One of Two Ways to Participate in an Advance Team:

(1) Join a Team of 10.
Purchase a copy of the Great Pivot Study Guide, for $69.50, which includes all fees—handling, shipping, online course platform and taxes. You will receive the Study Guide’s Prison Report and Climate Report, via USPS Ground Advantage. Online access to Leadership Training Module 1 is via link to Thinkific.com. We will offer you a choice of Teams of 10, whether local or online. Teams of 10 and 1 instructor meet three or more times. The Study Guide is a point of departure for our meetings. Often additional information is made available. Teams of 10 work in tandem with Networkers, too. All sales are final. On occasion, two or more Teams of 10 convene together.

(2) Become a Networker, which, in turn, will connect you to a Team of 10.
Invest $12.99. You will receive intelligence briefs, talking points and ice breakers, via email. You are able to advance the Great Pivot, backstopped by the expertise of the assigned Team of 10, and CfAR HQ. All sales are final.

The main point of the Hubs, including Teams of 10 and Networkers, is to advance the Power of Ten, as discussed in the Great Pivot Call to Action.

(3) Additional memberships, including additional leadership training, will be made available. (See, for instance, Leadership Training Modules Two and Three.) We have a rumble channel care of Dr Arminio’s “America Resurgent with Dr Joe Arminio.” Videos for our Locals channel are ready but not yet posted.

Questions: Please call the CfAR HQ, at 302.300.9611.

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