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Prison Book
2nd Edition

San Modestino Publishers

Dr Joseph


Hardcopy Books

Our hardcopy books bear the imprint and trademark: San Modestino.

The latest research out of Japan regarding “nanobots” found in many of its citizens and capable of connecting them to the “Internet of Things,” and Bill Gates confirming the essence of these findings, underscores the importance of this book. Mankind, it appears, is being led into a planetary, digitized prison. This book records the journey that got us to this point, measures the fate that awaits us and points to a way out.

Who the top globalists are and on what they base their power on is made clear in the book. (The World Economic Forum, including Soros, Gates and Schwab, are but the face of those at the top.) The bulk of the work is devoted to developments in the 2020s and to measuring the instruments, jailors and dimensions of the looming, global digital prison. The architects of the prison believe that they are close to completion.

Did the pandemic of 2020 to 2023 play a role in the emerging global prison? Whither SARS-CoV-2, the “COVID-19 vaccines,” 5G and Ai? What about the climate, biodiversity, world debt and the Russo-Ukraine War? All the major, relevant theories are set down. This takes us well past the usual liberal and conservative perspectives. The activities of certain UN agencies are particularly helpful in delineating the danger. A powerful historical analogy–the fate of the ancient Hebrews of Egypt–lends nuance and hope to the book.

194 pages in total.
22 pages of footnotes.
3 pages devoted to the index.
5.5 by 8.5 by 0.63 inches.
Spiral bound.

This book was written to meet the requirements of the Institute for America’s Resurgence. Sales of the book go to support the Institute.

For those who have purchased the 2nd Edition:
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The predecessors of today’s top globalists were the royals and private bankers of the British Empire. Certain Federalists may have assisted the empire or pushed a not dissimilar imperial scheme of their own. Colonial America, the Continental Congress, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, the Republican-controlled, Civil War Congress, the populist movement after the Civil War and the state of North Dakota, beginning in 1919, concocted, through trial and error, a brilliant way to hold the globalists of their day at bay. 

This book is an introduction to the source of power of the globalists, namely, private central banking, and of proven ways to stop them or, at any rate, uphold America’s freedom. Also, it traces efforts by the globalists, since the turn of the 20th century, to perpetuate their power through the conservative movement, care of RINO institutions. It bears good news, too, in the spread of anti-globalist, authentic conservatism, grounded in the sovereign’s–the people’s–control of the currency. 

62 pages in total.
5.5 by 8.5 by X 0.32 inches.
Spiral bound.

Follow the money: the climate-change alarm is a hoax. Also, follow the contribution of rigged computer simulations, doctored data collections and dishonestly edited findings. This book traces the politics, the deceit and the lavish funding of the greatest myth of modern times, to wit, that catastrophic climate change will destroy life on earth, unless mankind as a whole abandons use of fossil fuels which just happens to be the basis of all modern conveniences. Who benefits from this nonsense? The top globalists benefit. Their identity is revealed. Their motives are exposed. It is the ultimate hypocrisy, for they intend to continue to enjoy the benefits of fossil fuel, while ensuring the impoverishment of the rest of us. 

This book includes raw, unaltered scientific evidence. All major surveys of scientists who claim to perceive or not perceive the climate crisis are brought before the reader, too. The intended audience are Americans living anywhere in the country. The case study is that of Maryland’s recent climate legislation, putting this state at the forefront of the globalists’ plans. 

60 pages in total.
6 pages of footnotes, tracing the financial consequences of Maryland’s legislation. Here is a glimpse of what is in store for every state, if the madness is not stopped.
5.5 by 8.5 by 0.32 inches.
Spiral bound.

This book argues that, apart from the American people themselves, ten great public policies and one intangible made America great. These ingredients of the “American Way” are traced from the birth of the country down to our own day. The tale is grim, for little by little, the ingredients have been discontinued, and not for the better. Yet, to trace our descent is also to find our way back. 

This work is not another investigation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, though these extraordinary documents receive some attention. Instead, the emphasis is upon those enormously important rules of thumb in policy. Substantial tariffs were rightfully typically the order of the day, until 1972. Immigration was typically pegged to a wholesome rate of assimilation, until about that year, too. The Monroe Doctrine kept us safe and sound, until the globalists broke into our paradise, what with this clandestine buildup of a North American Union in the mid-2000s. And seven other major policies find their due in the book, from the not-well-known, yet supreme matter of banking to the stunningly vital matter of patents and trademarks.

Seen from a fresh angle, here is the trajectory of the career of the United States. By 1982, 9 of the 10 great public policies had been gutted. By 1994, the last of the 10 fell. Terrible have been the consequences for Americans and foreigners as well. On the other hand, there have been efforts to revive the American Way, incrementally. Noteworthy among these efforts are those of the Kennedy and Reagan Administrations. This book predates the Trump Administration of 2017-21. 

144 pages in total.
6 by 9 inches.

This book’s title is meant to draw attention to what may be the most brilliant and humane strategic statecraft that the world has seen. Part One–The Grand Strategy of the Han Empire From 209 to 106 BC., numbering 272 pages–examines the precedent. Part Two–Han Strategy and the Peril Today, spanning 82 pages–is the application of the lessons of the precedent, especially meant for the United States. To this day, the Chinese call themselves “Han Ran,” or the people of the Han Dynasty. Thanks to the Han Empire, the fearsome Warring State Period was brought to a close with virtually no fighting at all and with a small army and modest treasury. The Han Empire and Roman Empire were contemporaries, although the former was a gentle lamb by comparison. 

Precedent for Peace made its appearance in 1996. The lessons of the Han Dynasty and Empire still are relevant for the United States, although the threat that the globalists pose receives scant mention in the book. 

384 pages in total.
20 pages of footnotes, mostly for Part One.
5 pages of bibliography, mostly for Part One.
2 pages devoted to the index.
6 by 9 inches.


Online Books

Our online books bear the imprint and trademark: San Modestino.

How To Dissect A Speech And Craft A Persuasive One: Vital Leadership Skills Learnt Quickly is what you need to get ahead in business or politics. 

116 Pages of Instruction.
Includes dissections of 2 great political speeches and 1 great business speech. 
Includes these 3 speeches, numbering an additional 32 pages. 

The latest research out of Japan regarding “nanobots” found in many of its citizens and capable of connecting them to the “Internet of Things,” and Bill Gates confirming the essence of these findings, underscores the importance of this book. Mankind, it appears, is being led into a planetary, digitized prison. This book records the journey that got us to this point, measures the fate that awaits us and points to a way out.

Who the top globalists are and on what they base their power on is made clear in the book. (The World Economic Forum, including Soros, Gates and Schwab, are but the face of those at the top.) The bulk of the work is devoted to developments in the 2020s and to measuring the instruments, jailors and dimensions of the looming, global digital prison. The architects of the prison believe that they are close to completion.

Did the pandemic of 2020 to 2023 play a role in the emerging global prison? Whither SARS-CoV-2, the “COVID-19 vaccines,” 5G and Ai? What about the climate, biodiversity, world debt and the Russo-Ukraine War? All the major, relevant theories are set down. This takes us well past the usual liberal and conservative perspectives. The activities of certain UN agencies are particularly helpful in delineating the danger. A powerful historical analogy–the fate of the ancient Hebrews of Egypt–lends nuance and hope to the book.

194 pages in total.
22 pages of footnotes.
3 pages devoted to the index.
3rd Edition is forthcoming in Amazon Kindle.

Online Courses

Our online books bear the Imprint and Trademark: San Modestino

To start at the very beginning go to the Great Pivot Infographic. Click here.

Or go to the Great Pivot Call To Action. Click here.

“Teams of Ten” utilize the Great Pivot Study Guide. The Guide consists of select pages drawn from The Globalists’ Digital Prison, 2nd Edition, How The Climate Agenda Is Destroying America and Primed for Resurgence. Certain primary sources are included. Selections and primary sources number about 200 pages. As a team member, you focus on 20 pages prior to the first ZOOM meeting. Through teamwork, everyone digests the 200 pages. Claims (propositions) and theories are tested, too. 

Informed by Classical Rhetoric–the art of persuasion which built Western civilization and launched our republic–Leadership Training Module 1 conveys vital, yet long-lost, fundamenetal critical-thinking techniques. The Marxists who have infested our schools have kept these techniques away from the public–until now! 

Learn more:– 

  • How to dissect any speech or written argument, even that found in a long book. 
  • How to go beyond a particular text and master any subject pertinent to public policy.
  • How to give an off-the-cuff or scripted elevator speech. 

In sum, learn skills that will help you comprehend the globalists’ Great Reset and how to fight back and wake up others, while time remains.

Video of 2 hours.
Instruction divides into 10 units.

This course teaches the fundamentals of crafting your own Basic Speech.  A Basic Speech typically runs 5 minutes or longer, and is suitable for most occasions.

This course is held online and includes interaction with an instructor.

This course builds upon Leadership Training Modules One and Two. It conveys intermediate techniques in the crafting of a Basic Speech. This is an online course and includes a private tutiorial with an instructor. 

Leadership Training Module Two is a prerequisite.




Making use of primary sources and deductions, this course investigates one of the great questions of our time. It sharpens critical thinking skills.

Video of 36 minutes. 

Hardcopy Tabloid

Our hardcopy tabloids bear the imprint and trademark: San Modestino.

Online Tabloid

Our online tabloids bear the imprint and trademark: San Modestino.

About San Modestino Publishers

Avellino, Italy

Dr Arminio’s paternal side hails from Avellino, Italy. He bears witness to his Italian roots care of San Modestino Publishers and the imprint and trademark San Modestino.

Bishop Modestinus of Antioch was arrested twice during the Diocletian persecution. He escaped the first arrest; then travelled to Abellinum (the future Avellino) and converted thousands. He was martyred in 311 AD. Canonized, his Italian name is San Modestino. He is considered the “protettore” (protector) of both Avellino and the nearby Mercogliano which includes the Monestary of Montevirgine. The saint’s protection has come in handy. For instance, the monestary successfully hid the Shroud of Turn in 1943 and 1944, and kept it out of the hands of the Nazis who wanted it. 

San Modestino Publishers invokes the saint and earnestly seeks and endeavors to spread the Truth. (Dr Arminio’s maternal side, care of Mayo County, Ireland, would surely like the saint, too.) 

About Dr Joseph Arminio

Dr Joseph Arminio is the principal author of the collection of works of San Modestino Publishers. He brings a wealth of experience to bear, having been awarded the Doctorate in Political Science from MIT, and having served in a variety of roles over more than 45 years, specifically, as a think-tank analyst, journalist, global corporate manager, government consultant, speech writer, debate coach and US House candidate. His books, articles, videos, lectures and speeches, range over American history from colonial times down to today, US domestic and foreign policies, Chinese statecraft since the Warring State Period, Western oratory from the ancient Greeks and Romans down to today, economics and medicine. 

Articles and Videos

What follows is Dr Arminio’s most recent article.

Do or Die for the US Economy

by Dr Joe Arminio                                                    

The economy is on the brink of destruction. The debt bubble is unprecedented and mammoth. Private and public debt as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) is three times higher than on the eve of the Great Depression! The federal portion has not been this high since 1945; federal interest payments will soon ruin the federal budget. Foreigners unload US dollars, the dollar may soon be worthless. What to do?

We must immediately stoke US productivity, and briskly grow out of debt. Nothing less than rapidly supercharging the economy on a par with the heyday of 1948-84 will do. Back then, annual, real (inflation-adjusted) GDP grew at about 5%. For the past 15 years, annual GDP growth has been half that, at best. Even the Trump Administration could not sustain growth above 2.5%. In any case, the Congressional Budget Office projects real GDP to grow at 1.7%, if public policies do not change.

How to supercharge the economy? Implement, I suggest, 2 or better yet 3 momentous measures, namely, a strategic tariff, a facsimile of the “American Infrastructure Bank” (AIB) and deep currency and bank reform.

To impose a strategic tariff means to tax all imports. American exporters typically face unfair tariffs, which, in turn, results in big US trade deficits with most foreign countries. Out of 700,000 products that the US trades in, only 13% involve the same tariff that the US and its trade partners apply. Another 20% of them involve higher US tariffs. 67% of them involve much higher foreign tariffs. Our biggest trade deficit is with Red China, thanks to their high tariffs.

Under the circumstances, the US should impose a 10% tariff on all imports. Such action would boost US annual, real GDP by more than 2.5%, above whatever the level otherwise would be, according to the Coalition for a Prosperous America! This means that, starting next year, US annual, real GDP would exceed 4%.

To implement the AIB is to have the US Treasury provide below-market rate loans for the repair and build out of infrastructure (eg, roads and bridges). I made the case for the AIB in the previous edition of this paper. Historically, infrastructure spending has supercharged the economy. The AIB, at full capacity, would boost US annual, real GDP by more than 3%, above whatever the level otherwise would be!

To undertake deep currency and bank reform is to reform or abolish the Federal Reserve System (the Fed). The Fed, which is owned by private interests, is surely the principal cause of our distress. It promotes speculation, far more than production. Worse, the US money supply is debt-based. Nearly all US money is the product of a loan. 40 cents out of every single dollar we spend goes to pay interest on loans, according to a recent study! We spend even more on interest, now.

How to reform the Fed? If we abolish it, what takes its place? A number of dramatic actions can improve monetary (currency and banking) policy. Besides implementing the AIB, we should reimpose stiff bank regulations. Some would revive the gold standard. Others would mimic the Republican-controlled, Civil War Congress–issue greenbacks.

How does all this relate to the 2024 elections? Trump did more for the economy from 2017-19 than Biden-Harris has done in their tenure. Trump favors a strategic tariff of 10%. Harris does not. Regarding the economy, Trump is the better choice than Harris.

A victory for Trump would not automatically result in a strategic tariff, however. The free-trade lobby is strong. The grassroots must reinforce the protectionists.

Bringing about the AIB or monetary reform or both will require grassroots involvement, as well.

The economy must not be locked down again. Private and public debt as a share of GDP grew 20% because of the 2020 lockdown.

Dr Joe Arminio is a policy analyst and native Delawarean. His think tank, The Institute for America’s Resurgence, offers a FREE 7-day course on the political-economic big picture, via He promotes the AIB via He worked with the American Enterprise Institute, the Department of Defense and Sprint’s Government Systems Division. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology awarded him the Doctorate in Political Science. 

The Globalists’ Digital Prison: An Investigation and Plan for Deliverance

Executive Summary — 5 pages
Total pages — 188
Footnotes — 21 pages
Approximate Words per page — 250

6 x 9 inches
spiral — .63 inches
quality paper

Shipping is via USPS Ground Advantage — expected 2 to 5 business days




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5 Great Pivot Resources

6 Ebooks in Politics, Economics, History and Public Policy

16 Courses in Politics, Economics, History and Public Policy

Private Coaching
Group Coaching

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Private Coaching or Group Coaching
for every course in every category!

6 Courses in Public Speaking

Private Coaching
Group Coaching

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Private Coaching or Group Coaching
for every course in every category!

Government Simulations and Summer Courses for High School and College Students, and for Teachers

Have a question? Call 302.300.9611

This page is © Copyright, 2024, Dr Joe Freelance, LLC.
Moreover, all listed books, online books, online courses and the tabloid are © Copyright, Dr Joe Freelance, LLC. 
Dr Joe Freelance, LLC, based in Wilmington, Delaware, reserves all rights of this page and publications.  

Inspiration and History

SDI is inspired and informed by the then US Senator John Quincy Adams, who, in the early 1800s, also chaired the very first Department of Classical Rhetoric, at the college level. Adams wanted to train American youth for greatness the way the Roman-republic elite trained their youth for greatness. He would even go one better, enhancing such training by faith in The Living God. Hence, the rigorous pursuit of Truth.

Tragically, American education in general and even the thriving student forensics circuit falls short of what it could be, in no small part because the globalists hamper critical thinking in our schools. Notice the heavy emphasis in our schools on secondary sources, which, perforce, the globalists can manipulate and limit, through perverse funding.

From 2015 through 2020, SDI was in operation. We coached grades 6-12 and college. The emphasis was upon formal debate (Public Forum and Policy Debate) and upon Model Congress and Model UN. 

Once again, SDI would revive the dream of John Quincy Adams. Moreover, we would elevate our youth’s knowledge of history, economics, politics and government.

Ultimately, SDI’s programs revive the ancient paideia, wherein parent and child speak of the common good morning, noon and night. This is especially the case for homeschooling. Our government simulations are cross-generational. They involve youth and faculty, in other words, youth and parents-teachers.

let’s work together

complete Step 2

Please open a line of communication with CfAR HQ. We will send occasional updates. We will
circulate petitions that are ultimately intended
for elected officials. What are you yourself encountering and achieving, as you complete step 2? Let us know, using the Message Box, below.

Advance Teams go the extra distance to protect the republic and defeat The Great Reset. Moreover, there is an indispensible synergy between these teams and CfAR top leadership. We support them and they support us.

Join An Advance Team

What Mutual Support Entails

Choose One of Two Ways to Participate in an Advance Team:

(1) Join a Team of 10.
Purchase a copy of the Great Pivot Study Guide, for $69.50, which includes all fees—handling, shipping, online course platform and taxes. You will receive the Study Guide’s Prison Report and Climate Report, via USPS Ground Advantage. Online access to Leadership Training Module 1 is via link to We will offer you a choice of Teams of 10, whether local or online. Teams of 10 and 1 instructor meet three or more times. The Study Guide is a point of departure for our meetings. Often additional information is made available. Teams of 10 work in tandem with Networkers, too. All sales are final. On occasion, two or more Teams of 10 convene together.

(2) Become a Networker, which, in turn, will connect you to a Team of 10.
Invest $12.99. You will receive intelligence briefs, talking points and ice breakers, via email. You are able to advance the Great Pivot, backstopped by the expertise of the assigned Team of 10, and CfAR HQ. All sales are final.

The main point of the Hubs, including Teams of 10 and Networkers, is to advance the Power of Ten, as discussed in the Great Pivot Call to Action.

(3) Additional memberships, including additional leadership training, will be made available. (See, for instance, Leadership Training Modules Two and Three.) We have a rumble channel care of Dr Arminio’s “America Resurgent with Dr Joe Arminio.” Videos for our Locals channel are ready but not yet posted.

Questions: Please call the CfAR HQ, at 302.300.9611.

Donate to The Great Pivot, as well!